Friday, February 27, 2009


Okay, so I never got into the whole twilight thing. To be honest I thought it was all kind of dumb. Everyone was always talking about it and telling me I needed to read the books. I didn't and I think that was mostly because everyone was. Well, Amy talk Craig and I in to going to the movie with her and Eric. I really liked the movie and thought maybe I would read the book. Craig thought I was dumb for wanting to read the book after seeing the movie, but I started it and didn't get very far with it. I took it with me to San Francisco to read while at the airport. I have loved it. I read every spare minute I get. I am now almost done with new moon. I guess I am a late commer, but am now realizing what all the fuss was about....


jamie @ [kreyv] said...

That's right...You heart Edward Cullen, too!

Tracie said...

Now you will be in the "IN" growd!! Seeing the pictures of Pier 39 makes me miss my family in San Fran so much. I've never taken the kids there, and I need to soon, it was a big part of every summer for me, I have so many wonderful memories. Hope to see you soon.

Lara Phister said...

I hate to say it, but "TOLD YA SO!"

Chet and Jory said...

Oh my gosh I wish you read it before you saw it cause now you think Edward looks like that guy, he is hot and all but the Edward in my head is much hotter!!!I need to finish new moon still..