I can't believe my baby is 1!! Time goes by so fast. For Brooklyn's birthday we went to the lake on Grandma Gin's boat. It was a great day! Happy Birthday Brookie, I love you!
Makade's 1st day of 1st grade. He is now going all day. Having recesses and school lunch. He thinks he is pretty big. Okay, so I am the mom that likes my kids to dress up really cute for the 1st day of school. I wanted him to wear khaki shorts and a button up shirt, but he insisted on wearing this. I still thinks he looks so cute. He sure has a mind of his own. I love it. He is such a fun kid. He is enjoying 1st grade...
Brooklyn is the first one of my kids to not have much hair. One day I thought I would try pig tails on her. It didn't work out so well and she didn't love them, but I still thought they were cute.
August 11th was Alex's third Birthday. I can't believe she is already three. It goes by so fast. We had a good day. We just hung around home opened presents and then some family and friends came over that night for cake and ice cream. Alex got her little, pink car because she has a fetish with little cars and opening and closing doors. She loves her little car. Happy Birthday Alex. I love you!
I can't believe my little sister had a baby! Jory had baby Jack on 8-8-08. Isn't that a cool Birthday! He is such a cute, good baby! These pictures are him the day he was born. He has a lot of cute brown hair. Jory is doing good. She is bouncing back really quickly. Congratulations Jor! I love ya!
Makade is such a good kid. He has always been our more mild one. It is fun as he is getting older to see him get involved and love sports. He is such a social kid. He is a great first child.
Jaxon is such a fun boy. He is fearless and always into something. He is always saying and doing the funniest things. He definately keeps us on our toes.
Alex is such girl. She is always wearing my shoes (not just any, it has to be heels) and wearing lipstick. She is so fun, but along with the girl definately comes the attitude. We love it.
Brooklyn is our baby. She is such a happy baby. You just can't look at her without smiling. She has added so much to our family.
Craig and I were married in 2000. We have four beautiful children. I am lucky enough to be a stay at home mom and I wouldn't change that for anything. I have such an amazing husband and kids. They are all so good to me. They are so cute at taking care of me on bad days, with my health. I love them all so much!!